One of my favorite movie lines…taken from As Good as It Gets with Jack Nicholson and Helen Hunt.  Melvin Udall, Jack’s character suffers from extreme OCD along with a few more issues which he discovers on his road to apparent wellness.

It’s at one of his therapy sessions, he asks in a very snide why?…What if this is as good as it gets?  Classic…

Great question…what if?

We spend soooo much of our time, money and energy trying our best to change our life…

Whether it’s reaching the ideal weight, getting the perfect body, reaching financial equilibrium, finding the perfect Ken-like, Barbie-like soul mate…

But what if what we have right now is as good as it gets?

Can we live with this?

Take a moment to think about this…

What if this truly is as good as it gets?

Honestly, we have no idea how much we are supposed to weigh.  Money does not grow on trees and, unfortunately, it will not just drop from the sky.  Maybe we are setting our expectations too high for that PERFECT boy/girl.

When we loosen the reins on perfection, we make room the joy that’s out there for us. 

If this is as good as it gets, then we need to embrace what we have today.  There are no do-overs.  We can’t go back and change what’s happened to us, but we can certainly embrace what’s happened FOR us…

Don’t get me wrong, there is ALWAYS room for growth and evolution…I’m certainly not saying to stay put and give up.  Frankly, it’s the opposite…I’m inviting you to drop the false expectations of the perfect body, let go of keeping up with Joneses, pick up your life as it right now, put your experiences in your pocket, add some love to it and journey on.

We don’t know what tomorrow will bring, but we do know that whatever has happened to us in the past has brought us to this exact moment.  What a gift.

Always remember it’s about time we return to the heart.


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