Wow, it’s been awhile since I’ve blogged….yikes…it’s been months.  And what a crazy few months it has been.
You see, in October my stepmother passed away from a stroke and now I’m the executor of her estate.  Man, this has been an eye-opening experience.  Paperwork on top of paperwork…roadblock on top of roadblock.  Grief on top of grief.
My holiday season, probably like yours, was quite crazy.  Between the shopping, wrapping, cooking — my kids had friends staying with us the whole holiday break which was both fantastic and terrifying…you see, as you know, I like having my ducks in row and the holidays really threw me for a loop on top of all the estate nonsense I’ve been doing.
I’m just now settling down.  Very slowly, I’m getting back to a routine. 
I was listening to something a few days ago that got me to thinking…
Being in the driver’s seat of our life…
hmmm, honestly I don’t think I’ve been in the driver’s seat in months and if I have, the car’s been on auto-pilot.
Yesterday, this driver’s seat thing was really hammering away at me, and I thought maybe I should sit down and journal about it.  As I began to journal, it dawned on me that maybe you too haven’t been in your driver’s seat either so I decided what better way to express my thoughts than to share my journey with you.
Being in the driver’s seat…what does that even mean?
To me it means…

Being in charge of what’s happening and not letting others do the driving for you.
Remembering that you’re on a journey and heading to a specific destination – knowing where you going.
Getting out of the back seat and taking charge of what’s happening instead of allowing others to direct you.
Honestly, it’s really simply taking back the wheel, returning to the road on which we’ve been…focusing on where we are going and enjoying the scenery along the way.
The Journey to Transformation and Self-Care
I’ve lost my way…with all that’s been happening lately, I’ve lost sight of my destination to being the best Nancy possible.  My eating has been unhealthy – just no time to plan and prepare.  Exercise and movement haven’t been a priority – there just hasn’t been enough hours in a day.  I HAVEN’T READ A BOOK SINCE THE SUMMER! 
This isn’t who I am anymore…I don’t enjoy being in the back seat or on auto-pilot and, trust me, it’s less about control and being in charge and more about losing sight about where I was heading. 
I really enjoy healthy eating – trying new foods, juicing, planning different meals, mindful eating, taking my time preparing my meals, moving my body – walking, taking a couple of yoga classes a week, self-development and I love getting together with my friends.
So today, 
I’m back in the driver’s seat…buckled in, sitting up straight, taking in the scenery, got my GPS set to my purposeful destination, allowing myself to ask for directions along the way.   I put the baggage in the trunk – only to be taken out in case I need some life lesson I’ve learned. 
And away I go…care to jo
in me?  Sorry you’ll have to take you own car…my car filled with my own hopes, dreams and wisdom to a healthy, abundant 2016.
I’d love to hear your thoughts and as always, remember it’s about time we return to the heart.
Love, Nancy

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