I know you think emotional eating is bad, but honestly it’s good.  But only if you meet it correctly and humbly…

Since we are all emotional beings…we laugh, we cry, we feel…we should be emotional eaters, and emotional workers, and emotional parents, and emotional wives/husbands, daughters/sons…

Get where I’m going here?

We are all emotional…if we weren’t we’d be dead…

So how do we embrace being an emotional eater and stop fighting it?

We eat WITH our emotions.  Together as a team…not constant enemies.

If we are eating emotional then allow the emotion to happen while you’re eating.

If you are eating because you are lonely, then sit down and invite your food to the table and dine with it as you are dining with a guest.  Right? That’s what you want, isn’t it?  You want your food to keep you company.table

If you’re eating cause you’re angry, then eat with gusto…but slowly. Chew it with gusto…but again, do is with the angry purpose you want from it.  AND, do it mindfully.

If you are eating because you are bored, again invite it in.  Eat something that excites you, ignites you, pleases you and interests you. 

If something is frustrating you, and you turn to food…eat that chocolate, cookie slowly, sensually, romantically.

Emotional eating’s intention is to seek pleasure from pain…so appreciate the process with respect and with the pleasure you are desiring.

Food is satisfying, rewarding and pleasurable.  Remember from a few blog’s ago…food has no moral value.

You can’t be stressed and pleased at the same time – that’s the job of emotional eating.

Food has the purpose we are inviting and when we are shamed, or angry for eating it, we go into fight or flight and our essential bodily functions shut down so all our energies can go to our muscles so we can fight over the shame, embarrassment and anger from the binge. 

When you relax into the food experience and allow the food to do what you want from it, our body can metabolize the food properly without the shame, anger and resentment.

Eat with emotion…eat with gusto…eat with the company you seek, and, especially, eat with your heart and your passion, but eat it slowly, mindfully and sensually.

You know I’m always here for you and, if I can help you in any way, contact me by email at coach@coachnancylundy.com or by calling 718-258-9198.


Always remember it’s about time we return to the heart.


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