Here’s a quick list of five reminders for weight loss from a nutritional stand point. Nothing here is mandatory. These are just suggestions from my own experience and what I’ve learned over the years. Take what you like and experiment.

Fats – Not consuming enough essential fats will cause poor digestion, inability to lose weight, constipation, dry skin, dry brittle hair, cravings for fried fatty foods, dry eyes, binge eating and stiff or painful joints.  

Healthy fats include avocado, olive oil, nuts, free range eggs, sesame oil, almond oil, sardines and nut butters.  Be sure fats are high quality and organic.  Fats should be measured like you measure medicine… (No handfuls) 

Protein at breakfast – Research shows that including protein with breakfast can help prevent the “3 o’clock hungers.”  Include some fat and you are setting yourself up for a balanced day.  Healthy breakfast protein ideas – Almond butter, free range eggs WITH the yolks, cottage cheese, farmer’s cheese, Kashi Go Lean.  Try having at least three food groups at breakfast.  Protein, fat and healthy carb.  Also, mix it up — it’s best not to have the same breakfast every day.  Have three different choices in your toolbox as your go to.  

Weight loss supplements – Just cause Dr. Oz endorses does NOT mean it’s the miracle cure.  If there were a magic pill then we’d all be thin.  Please stop wasting your money.  Remember, no pill will FIX you weight loss problem.  We are not broken and no pill will give us sustainable weight loss.  Not quick fixes here.  Our goal is to offer ourselves love and compassion on our weight loss journey.  Save your money for a new outfit!

Three versus Six Meals a Day – This is totally up to you…experiment.  If you’ve been eating three square meals a day and you’ve reached a weight loss standstill then add something new to the mix – change it up.  Distribute your calories between six smaller meals, again trying to incorporate three healthy food groups. 

No more pink, yellow or blue sweeteners – Stevia is okay, but try your best to make sure it’s organic. You know artificial sweeteners are not healthy when it comes to weight loss and they have a lot of proven negative metabolic effects on the body and on health in general.  They also mess with your sugar brain sensors.  Signaling you to crave more sugar and that’s what you’re trying to prevent.   

If you have a nutritional practice that works for you, please share it in the comments section.   

Until next time, remember it’s about time we return to the heart.


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