There is soooo much I learned during my training and I want to share everything, but I just don’t have the space.  Here are a few more…


If you want to have to body you want, you have to love the body you have NOW…To love the body we have now, we must embrace it, feel it, honor it and enjoy it.  When we live in our heads, we don’t live in the body.  And when we live in our body, we embrace the natural expression of the body – the emotions, movement and sensations.  I know for myself that I have done a lot of things to stay away from my body.  How can I “embrace” something that I hate to look at and something that ALWAYS lets me down.  When we check out of our bodies, it’s very easy to gain weight by overeating, binge eating, over exercising, and my personal favorite – damaging self-talk.  Thinking that “tough love” and mean words will guilt us into success.  Trust me, THIS DOESN’T WORK! 

When we are embodied, we only want what’s best for the body – healthy, natural foods; movement we enjoy, stimulating life desires.  My teacher gave a great analogy when discussing embodiment.  Our body is like a car – if we’re not “IN” the car, it can’t go anywhere.  It just sits there idle, but it’s designed to do so much more.  What does it need to operate well?  It needs someone in the driver seat steering it in the right direction, adding the best fuel, keeping it clean and maintained so it can be at its best.  If we don’t do these things then it rusts, rots and stays in the driveway. 

Diets and exercise don’t work 

That’s right…I said it…We know there are SO many diets out there – in fact, we have probably tried them all.  But, let’s be honest, intellectually, we know there are no quick fixes.  We can lose the weight.  The problem is we can’t sustain it.  99% of people who lose the weight gain it back (plus more) within one year, maybe two.  Why?  Because if we don’t step into our personal evolution or unconditional love for the body, step into forgiveness, compassion, love, connection to God, then the weight loss can only be temporary.  When we step into our personal power and do what we can to get our lives back, well then that’s where the action is.  

Surrender…thy will be done 

By learning the lessons that we came here to learn, we become the person who we are most meant to be.  And when we surrender, the body can be at its best.  When we are not trusting life and there’s lack the balance between work and play and stress and relaxation, we are living in stress, fear, anger and anxiety.  As I’ve mentioned in a previous blog (click here to see prior blog), when there’s unbalance, we go into stress response which leads to slower metabolism, digestion shut down.  Chronic low level stress decreases calorie-burning and weight gain will most likely occur.  Our hearts, bodies and MINDS can relax when we finally accept that we are not in control.  

We are NOT broken 

I am not going to spend a lot of time here.  This is a very simple lesson I learned from my training.  Yeah, maybe there are things we need to “improve”, and adjust.  There are many ways to sustain weight loss, but the most important step is stop trying to fix ourselves.  Please, please, please, please join me here in my crusade of stopping the need to fix.  What we need to do is release the need of having to lose weight and step into our personal power so we can embrace a healthy style of eating, living and relax into life.  We are whole… our struggles here on Earth are here to help us grow, evolve, heal and transform. 

Overeating is NOT the problem 

I have spent a lifetime overeating and binge eating and through my training I’ve learned a very important fact – overeating is not the problem, it’s the self-judgment that is.  It’s the blame, self-attack, guilt and shame that sends us into a spiral.  We don’t need to get rid of the overeating and binge eating, we need to stop the negative talk – I’m a failure, here I go again, I’m no good and, my favorite, I have not willpower.  It once again comes back to self-attack cause stress which shuts down the metabolism and causes weight gain.  We need to show respect, compassion and understanding – I’m learning…I’m growing.  The language we speak to ourselves creates our reality.  I’m often reminded that we would never speak to someone we love the way we speak to ourselves. 

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