How can something so good be so bad? 

Why do we fear something we love?

We can.  We can’t. 

We should.  We shouldn’t. 

Food is my friend, my lover… 

Food is my enemy, my nemesis…. 

For so long, I’ve lived in such turmoil around food.  I’ve used it to comfort my boo-boos.  I used it to as punishment for all the “bad” things I do.  It’s to celebrate, it’s to discipline. 

It’s my HIGH…it’s my low… 

Man…food has a lot power – my power.  I use it when I’m happy…when I’m sad… 

I love to eat…I hate to eat. 

Food gives me pleasure….food gives me a stomach ache. 

How can this be and what can I do? 

I grew up in a house where food was love, but, unfortunately, it was also restricted because I was too fat.  When I came home from school, there was a sugary snack waiting for me and for breakfast there was Capt’n Crunch.  

Don’t eat too much, you’ll get fat…. 

Make sure you finish ALL the food on your plate so you can be a member of the clean plate club… 


What’s a girl to do? 

Suffer…that’s what this girl did for far too many years. 

But, what can a grownup do?  Well, this grownup can grow up! 

This grown up can remember that food is nourishment – it’s not punishment…It’s not good or bad…it has no moral compass. 

Food is meant be enjoyed not feared.  I need to remember to stop attacking my eating. 

We all need to address what’s underneath our issues with eating.  Most often, our difficulty with food and appetite is a beautiful message that we’re not on track with the life we are destined to live.  And when we’ve off target with our life’s purpose, we turn to food.  

We need to embrace the naturalness of eating and agree to let go of the attachment to weight loss and embrace a healthy style of eating, living and relating to life on life’s terms not ours.  Wow, that sounds very grown up, doesn’t it?

Always remember it’s about time we return to the heart.





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