I recently read an article that really got me to thinking about all the overs in my life.  Just to share a few with you now…

Overeating, over-reacting, over-doing, over-compensating, overwhelmed, back in the day — over-served, over spending which gets me to over the limit and a real favorite…over-thinking.

Get the idea?

And what really got me was I honestly feel that all this overindulging whether with food, online shopping or overdoing it at cocktail parties is actually because I’ve always felt under…

Growing up, I was an underachiever…Often I felt under-loved.

I’ve always felt I was under the radar…

Spent many of days feeling under everyone else.

Always under the scrutiny…feeling judged.

HOLY!  What a revelation!

So after giving this much thought, I realized that when I feel UNDER, I go OVER. 

I know this sure.  Think about it…When we are feeling uncomfortable socially whether at work or at a party, when we’re feeling under the watchful eyes of friends or strangers, our go-to is food and alcohol.  Alcohol loosens us up so we feel more comfortable, we stuff ourselves with food to feel full mostly because we feel empty.  We overindulge because we feel we are under everyone else.  We overthink EVERYTHING. 

When life gets tough and we are stressed, we are overwhelmed so we overeat, overspend, over use our computers and so often we OVER-react!

This is all a perfect example of balance.  When we aren’t balanced in our everyday life, we get overwhelmed which causes us to swing way too far on the pendulum.  When we feel not good enough, we overcompensate to equal it all out. 

Where there’s balance, there’s equilibrium and when there’s equilibrium, there’s progress.

So we absolutely, positively, need to get this UNDER control and be OVER it already!

Always remember I’m here for you and that it’s about time we return to the heart.


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