How come we’re so mean to ourselves? 

What have we done to deserve such hatred? 

Would we or could we possibly speak to another person the way we speak to ourselves?

Do any of these sound familiar?

     You’re so fat.

     Look at you, just look at you!

     You’re disgusting.

     Go ahead…eat that, you disgusting pig!

     No one could ever love you! You’re just so stupid, fat, ugly, poor, skinny, etc.!

     You did it again!  You can never do anything right!

     You don’t deserved that…

Attacking and punishing ourselves or aiming hate at our body and soul will never, ever get us anywhere…in fact, it will only sever any chance of hope we may have to achieving a healthy, authentic life.

Self-attack is an old and obsolete strategy that drains our personal power, and we need to let it up immediately. 

The opposite of attack of self is compassion for self and here are a few ways we can embrace self-compassion.

The kindergartner is no longer in charge…Maybe when we were young, someone told us that we were stupid or too fat to participate or we were taught that the size of body determined who we were.  And then we started to believe them and these negative way became OUR voice.  But now as adults, we need to let this go. 

Our most formable years were when we were under the age of eight.  The voice in our head is honestly eight years old, and we are allowing this imaginary youngster to speak to us harshly, callously and shamefully all the time. 

Love, sweet love is all we ever need…We have been so busy speaking negatively to ourselves that loving ourselves can be You the person reading thisdifficult.  This will take a lot of practice.  Practicing kindness instead of judging.  Mirror work is a useful tool here.  Each morning while brushing your teeth say something nice about or to yourself.  A simple “I love you” will work or if “I love you” is a too big a step, how about “I’m trying to love you”. 

We will never be perfect…Compassionate people except people for who they are with little judgment.  We all have our boo-boos, scars and battle wounds.  Now is the time to pick them up and carry them as badges of courage and honor. We are perfect in the eyes of Universe and this includes ALL our imperfections.  If your compassion does not include yourself, then it is incomplete.  ~ Jack Kornfield

We are not alone – there is no one out there that doesn’t feel the same way you.  Some may “appear” more confident than you or wear their troubles and/or challenges differently than you.  WE may think they are perfect, but man, there is no one alive today who is perfect.  We all share this challenge no matter the color of skin, the size of our pants, the wealth in the bank.

Feeling worthy – No one has the right the take away our value and our worthiness so why would we take our own?  We deserve the abundance, all the rapture out there.  There honestly isn’t anyone more deserving than you to have all the goodness, love and compassion God has set before you.  We mustn’t think others unworthy to receive this bounty.

Self-discovery and self-improvement is not about changing who we are, it’s about discovering who we are and making them better and stronger – not different.  It’s about digging deep, connecting with the Universe, accepting and trusting our journey and learning to love ourselves as is and most importantly…what people think of us is none of our business.

Enjoy the rest of the summer…Until September, always remember it’s about time we return to the heart.


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