Did you know the average weight gain from now until January 2 is 10 pounds?

Yup…it’s true.

But, thankfully not this year…We will not be included in that statistic.

So, are you truly and honestly ready for some new holiday plans?joy word in letterpress type

How would you like to get through the next six weeks with your head held high, with your shoulders back, your chest pumped, but mostly with your heart filled with love and compassion?

If you are anything like me, January has always been the month filled with regrets, broken promises and body hate.  This year we’re going to try something different.  Our January will be filled with hope, admiration and pride not New Year resolutions.

You see, January will be a different month for us because the plan we commit to today.  This year’s holiday plans will be filled with love, not body hate…relaxation not stress, hope not regret, awareness instead of ignorance.

Here are some strategies I’d like to share with you…

Personal Power = Metabolic Power – Personal power means stepping into our authentic self.  It means loving and accepting ourselves as we are today — not when we are 10 pounds lighter.

It’s about saying no and meaning it.  We can’t continually people please and put our needs on the back burner.  If you don’t want to do it, then don’t do it. 

Here’s the answer to those “can yous?”, “would yous?”, “are you available to”?, I’ll check and get back to you on that.  No more quick yeses and please no apologies.  Reach into your heart and ask “Do I really want to?” “Does this feel right?”

When we are in touch with our own personal power, our metabolism can get in touch with its power to work at its best to digest our food properly. 

80/20 Rule – On this healthy, mindful food journey into January, we will be relaxing into our food choices.  When we are stressing about what we eat, how much we’re eating, how could I have eaten THAT much, we are in low chronic stress and our body cannot metabolism our food because it’s too busy fighting off the big bad lion that is about to attack us (big bad lion = our negative thoughts!).  

When we relax into our healthy food choices and make decisions based out of  self-love, then the body can once again metabolize and digest our food properly.

Too much stress brings on too much cortisol which is the stress hormone that deregulates our digestion and causes us to pack on unnecessary mid-section body fat. 

Come on, honestly, we know there will be days of unhealthy food choices and those “extras” need to be embraced NOT feared.  If our food choices are 80 percent healthy and the other 20 percent are not feared “bad” then we are on the right path. 

Our choices are 10%, our reaction to our choices is the other 90!

Put your Best Foot Forward – You know that “eat less, exercise more” strategy we have tried SO many times and failed at?  Well, this holiday season, we are changing that to “eat healthy and move lively”…Hate running?  Hate the treadmill?  Then don’t do it!  What body movement do you enjoy?  Yoga?  Dancing?  Pilates?  Spin?  Then do that.  Remember this holiday season is about enjoyment and love.  Do what you love to do NOT what you hate to do.  Just cause you hate the exercise doesn’t mean it burns more calories

Bite it, Write it/Feel it, Deal with it – Keep a food and emotional journal.  Take a few minutes each day to record your food choices and how you felt when you were eating.  This will bring an awareness to a) the emotion behind the choices and b) how much you are really eating.

I want to wish you and your family a Happy Thanksgiving.  I am so thankful that you are a part of my tribe, and that I am on this journey will you.

Because I believe in you, and I only want what’s best for you, I’m taking $100 off my six-session coaching package so we can work together to get us through this holiday season with a new loving, compassionate plan. 

Click here to book your first session.  If you think we’ll need more time, then I’ll take $200 off my 12-session package.  It’s my heart’s desire to help people like us reach our highest goal which is to live our life’s purpose not by dieting, but by living.

Remember it’s about time we return to the heart.


PS  How do you like my new website design?

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