Honestly, have you ever thought why me?  Why is this always happening to me?   Why can’t I lose this weight even though I’m doing all the right things?  Why is the health problem happening NOW?  My job sucks!  My kids, spouse/partner, boss are driving me mad!  Why won’t something good, better, different come along?  Why did he/she have to leave me?  Are you moving too quickly through life and not hearing the voice to slow down? 

I’m a huge fan of the Universe, God, Spirit, etc.  Unfortunately, I’ve spent many days driving my own life and not letting God take the wheel.  For so long, I’ve lived as the victim of my circumstances never realizing that what was happening to me was happening for me – molding me into a strong, focused, well-grounded individual. 

Our past, our circumstances, our misfortunes are not given to us as punishment.  When we look at our past, our present AND our future as gifts, we can begin to hear the voice of the Universe and accept the lessons it offers us.   

A great example of this happened recently to one of my best friends.  This woman is a true woman for others.  She runs so many committees, works full time — she’s a mother, a wife, a daughter.  When I call her, I never know where she’ll be.  She is always busy, not the same busy that says look at me I’m so wonderful.  Nope, she is genuinely happy working at this speed sharing her gifts and talents with her community. 

Funny thing happened the other day, walking through a warehouse at work, boom, down she goes – Result:  broken foot, six weeks in a cast.  What you say?  The whole summer?  Yup, that’s what I said. 

Dear Universe, are you saying you’d like me to slow down this summer.  But, I can’t, I’m very busy.  Universe:  Nope, we’re taking the summer off. 

Lesson:  Remember what happens to us may be happening for us 

Another example:  My own battle with my weight.  For many years I’ve fought that scale with never seeing the results I’ve so greatly wanted to see.  Fighting it ALL the time.  Being angry ALL the time at my unsuccessful efforts to lose some weight.  

Trying to remember what happens to me may be happening for me.  What is the lesson of my battle with weight loss?  What is the message of my extra weight?  Do I even know exactly how much I’m supposed to weigh?  I know one thing for sure.  The Universe is constantly reminding me that I AM NOT IN CHARGE, but I still persist.

I can fight this all I want OR I can begin to surrender into the what is.  Can I begin to accept myself as I am and learn how to settle in my body as it is today — at its current weight and size? 

God is in charge of my journey, my circumstances, my past and my weight – I’M NOT.  Until I can relax into to this and begin to hear the messages, there will be no progress.    

Stressing about my weight, my past, my life only brings pain.  Relaxing into who I am, allows me to really hear the Universe speaking to me.  My problem with my weight will not go away until I learn the lesson it serves.  And maybe, just maybe that is the lesson — I need to release the PROBLEM of weight and just embrace the my weight as is.

What I hear from my Inner Spirit right now is – make healthy choices, drink plenty of water, cut down on the sugars and incorporate exercise that you enjoy and let’s see what happens.  One more thing, says the Universe – no scale until after the summer. 

When we are too much in our heads, it’s like being in a crowded room and EVERYONE is talking at the same time.  It’s very loud and the energy in the room is chaotic.  You can’t really make out what people are saying because it’s just too much to comprehend all at once.   Most importantly, it’s just too crazy to get through the chaos and you remain stuck in the room.

That’s us being in charge, constantly stressing about this and that – what to eat, I’m too fat, I hate what I’m wearing, I need to be here and I need to be there.  I should be doing this, why aren’t I doing that.  

It can’t be this way anymore.  We need to stop and LISTEN to our life.  Hear the messages, be open to the next step, accept that things may not change right now or ever or at least until we learn the lesson it brings.  We can certainly make the right choices and be aware to new opportunities when they come along.  

Can my friend accept that this is message from the Universe to slow down, spend some time at home, relax and stay seated for a bit.  Honestly, I know it will be tough for her.  She doesn’t do well with not having a lot to do, but she can either fight it (which will NOT change it), or she can accept that this is her life right know and relax into it. 

What’s happening in your life that may have a message/lesson for you?  

Remember it’s about time we return to the heart.




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