We have been married to our struggle with our weight and with our body for so long.  In fact, we’ve actually allowed it to define who we are.

So, today I challenge you with a very important question…

Who would you be if you finally let go of your size determining your worth?

We have allowed our struggles to keep us small…

I know for myself, my obsession with dieting and my struggles with being “good” and “bad”, have kept me busy for a lifetime.  If I’m always thinking about food, then I don’t have to think about other things that hurt.  Or, if I am say I always dieting, then people will know I know I’m fat and know that I’m trying to do something about it.

So, allow me to ask another question…

Who would you be if you liked and accepted the body you have today and divorced yourself from struggle of overeating, always dieting, and hating yourself into the next fad diet?

I know it may seem scary to let go of part of you who has been with you for so long.  That part of you who has kept you safe.  Who’s kept you hidden away.

It’s so ironic isn’t it?…Staying big keeps us small. 

If we hide behind our weight, then we don’t have to get out there and expose ourselves to the big bad world. 

Isn’t it true that many of us feel that if we weighed less, we’d actually have to live more?  Being exposed, being seen….Nope can’t be seen…if I’m seen, I’ll be judged…

So I challenge you once more with a new question…

What’s the downside if you finally lost the weight?

Email me please and let’s discuss your answer.

Always remember it’s about time your return to the heart (it’s where the magic is).


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